Posture Correction / Bad Posture
Let us improve on your postural alignment
There are many reasons why working on your posture is important however the main ones are
Efficiency in movement which means its less fatiguing
Injury prevention
Proper alignemtn in joints which prevents wear and tear
Improved balance
An average Australian worker spends of an average of 80 000 hours seated in the course of his working life and 80% of those who work at a computer everyday suffer from tension and pain in the shoulder, back or neck dysfunctions and more than half have back problems.
How can Chiropractors help with fixing bad posture
Its common that patients share that they can’t stand or sit up straight for long periods of time. Chances are its because there are underlying joint restrictions and muscle compensations as a result of our habits and lifestyle in which have gotten to a point beyond just foam rolling your spine. Many patients come in to assist with their pain and look for a chiropractor that can help with their buffalo hump or dowager’s hump but our skills set go beyond aesthetics, and getting people to sit or stand straight.
The following is a general outlay of a visit. We:
Ask specific questions and take a medical history
Examine your posture and see how the joints and tissue has been affected
Treat: massaging the affected tissues and adjust/mobilise specific joints
So you have more efficiency in your movement!
Pain is an uncomfortable feeling that tells you something may be wrong in your body. Although pain acts as a protective mechanism, unrelieved pain has consequences. Your spinal cord and nerves provide the pathway for messages to travel to and from your brain and the other parts of your body. Uncontrolled musculoskeletal and nerve pain can lead to:
Loss of movement
Compensation for injury through neighbouring supporting structures
Delayed tissue healing may lead to permanence in damage
Lowered pain threshold
Increased stress
Increased anxiety and depression due to inability to participate at work, hobbies and daily routine
Disrupted sleep
Here at LJ Chiropractic, we are trained thoroughly to manage musculoskeletal and neuropathic conditions.
Chiropractors in Australia are required to undergo five years of full time study at university which encompasses a Bachelor of Science and Masters of Chiropractic which covers in-depth training in anatomy, physiology, pathology, diagnosis, radiology, orthopaedics and neurology.
It is a drug free method of blocking pain messages or reducing effects on your brain. By adjusting your spine which houses the spinal cord, chiropractic management can assist in the healing process. – refer to Chiropractic tab.
Chiropractic management may be able to assist you with the management of both new and old injuries. For disorders such as scoliosis and migraines, chiropractors may be able to reduce the level of discomfort.
We use our body every day and put it through stress by going about our daily routine e.g. occupational strains, repetitive movement patterns, unfamiliar routines, sedentary posture or overstress and strain from traumatic injuries. It is therefore vital to maintain and optimise our movement by restoring the body’s natural joint movement. Disorders such as migraines, can be relieved through chiropractic treatment.
It is compulsory that chiropractors they are registered through the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) through the Chiropractic Board of Australia. Chiropractors are registered by the Chiropractic Board of Australia and like all other registered health care providers, must adhere to National Law and profession specific codes of conduct and guidelines. Chiropractors are also required to participate in continual professional development to stay current with the latest evidence based research.